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Writer: kc dyerkc dyer

Well, here we are. The first day of October, and the celebration of the arrival of FACING FIRE begins!

Darby is going her own way on this, and beginning a blog tour today that will take her far and wide. Check the Upcoming Events page for her schedule. For her first foray into the Wide World of the Internets, she’s off to Lake Louisa, Quebec, and hanging out on the blog couch of A NOVEL WOMAN.

In the meantime, I’m doing my own thing to celebrate the book here.

Check this out:

Okay …so I admit it’s a leetle lame. But it’s my first attempt at a book trailer. So, here’s where the contest comes in. Welcome to the …

FACING FIRE Book Trailer Contest

Let’s see if you can do better! Make a book trailer for FACING FIRE [or for both of Darby’s adventures in FACING FIRE and A WALK THROUGH A WINDOW]. The trailer needs to be family-friendly [a bit scary is okay], between 15 and 30 seconds long, and postable on-line. Bonus points if you work in some fire or a stone window…

Then just send a link to me here at along with your contact information, and you’re IN!

EVERY SINGLE ENTRY to the contest will win a signed copy of FACING FIRE. On Hallowe’en night, we’ll bring the judges together [ghosts and ghouls and a few zombies, perhaps] and hand out the prizes.

Now, we are going to add prizes as the month goes along, but for today, I’ll tell you that one of the prizes is a $100 gift card to or!

You can enter as often as you like. Spread the word — let’s send Darby out into the world in style!

More soon…


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©2023 by kc dyer     Site design: Alicia Dyer

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