You can find the story in trade paperback, e-book and audio-book where ever books are sold. Hooray!
To celebrate, I'm doing a draw for five Eighty Days Launch packages, which include a signed copy of the book, bookplates, postcard and celebratory chocolate! To be eligible, share this post on twitter, FB or Insta, with the hashtag #EightyDaysToElsewhere and your name will go in the draw. Winners will be announced here [and on the Socials] on Friday.
If you don't win, drop me a line with your snail mail address, and I'll pop a bookplate in the mail to you -- no charge.
I hope you have even half the fun reading this story as I had writing it. And if you'd like a peek into one of the behind-the-scenes research pieces that came out of my epic research trip around the world, The Nerd Daily is running a post I wrote about getting the details right. Click through to read more!
Thank you for sharing the excitement about my new story. I feel like Romy is a valient successor to Emma from FINDING FRASER, following in her adventure footsteps. EIGHTY DAYS TO ELSEWHERE is the first story in the ExLibris universe. If you'd like to see more stories in this series, please click through and write a review on Amazon or Goodreads -- the time you take to share your opinion translates directly into publishers asking for new stories!
More soon...