Armchair Books, man. This store has been here in Whistler, run by the same family for 35 years!
Named for a nearby glacier rather than a piece of furniture, this wee store is a focal point for all things literary in town.
As Whistler is a skiing and biking destination spot, I expected there would be a few tourists. What I didn’t expect was Crankworx…
Crankworx is a mountain-biking event held annually, and it brings riders in from all over the world. It was fantastic to meet people who were there for the festivities.
Also? We had a prize winner, with the FIRST sighting on the tour of a Utilikilt!

Congratulations to TJ Anderson!
TJ also introduced me to the work of Jennie Breeden, a webcomic artist whose work I plan to check out soon. I love learning about new writers and artists from readers I meet on tour!
Many thanks to Dan for hosting my visit, and to all the lovely denizens of Whistler [and the wide world!] who came to chat and buy books. Next stop: Vernon!
More soon…